Royal Mansour, Marakéš

53 súkromných riádov. Nadčasový, nezabudnuteľný, výnimočne luxusný hotel.

Pri vstupe do Royal Mansour pocítite silu pulzujúce marockého mesta. Čaká na vás tradičná architektúra, svieže záhrady a mimoriadne sofistikované „riády“. Dizajn tohto luxusného hotela v Marakéši zahŕňa prvky autentickej mediny, kde sa hostia môžu prechádzať a objavovať zmyselné potešenie. Izby a apartmány boli nahradené luxusnými riádmi a chodby kľukatými uličkami. Royal Mansour Marrakech je jediný hotelový komplex na svete, ktorý ponúka tento mimoriadny koncept.

Hotel Royal Mansour Marrakech, ktorý sa narodil z túžby zdieľať marocký životný štýl so svetom, vrhá hostí do nadčasovej atmosféry. V pokoji od hluku mesta cez očarujúci dekor sa myseľ môže slobodne túlať v tomto prestížnom, perfekcionistickom vesmíre. Počúvajte, vnímajte, pozorujte, prežívajte, rezonujte ... nechajte sa unášať čistou mágiou tohto bezkonkurenčného paláca, ktorý je právom nazývaný ako „ najlepší hotel v Marakéši “.

Marrakech Palace : sparking emotions, creating experiences

Prečo milujeme Royal Mansour

| 53 súkromných riádov. Miesto, kde luxus sa stretáva s marockým umením bývania.

V hoteli Royal Mansour Marrakech sú izby a hotelové apartmány nahradené luxusnými riádmi rozmiestnenými po medine s malými uličkami a tajomnými dverami. Na tomto mieste s jedinečným konceptom je ukrytých 53 súkromných rezidencií paláca. Každý riád z tejto kolekcie je unikátny a má 3 podlažia zdobené svojím vlastným štýlom. Jediné, čo musíte urobiť, je vybrať si z nich a prežijete tu jeden z najkrajších zážitkov svojho života.
Každý riád v Royal Mansour je jedinečný a absolútne výnimočný. Zostanete v nemom úžase, keď sa otvoria dvere vášho riádu a odhalia tak príťažlivosť marockého umenia. Jemne odlišné drevené prvky, elegantné látky,  tkané koberce, vyrezávané omietky a nábytok vyrobený na mieru dodávajú riádom harmonickú a elegantnú atmosféru. Všetky tieto detaily zaujmú vaše zmysly.  Strešná terasa s výhľadom na pohorie Atlas a Okrové mesto, súkromný bazén a úplné ponorenie sa do marockého životného štýlu... to je jedinečný pobyt v Royal Mansour.


| Superior Riad

Sofistikovaný a intímny.

Za skrytými dverami sa skrýva elegantný, pohodlný a rafinovane prepracovaný klenot .15 očarujúcich riádov typu SUPERIOR s rozlohou 140m2  je príkladom jedinečného vkusu a absolútneho komfortu.  ktorý definuje Royal Mansour Marrakech. Superior Riad  s jednou spálňou je určený pre náročných milovníkov dizajnu, ktorí cestujú do Okrového mesta  sami alebo vo dvojici, a túžia sa ponoriť do nádherne sladkého marockého spôsobu života.

Romantika prekypujúca eleganciou.

Vybavenie riádu je intuitívne zvodné. Brokát, mramor, tadelakt, zeliž, umelecké diela. Od terasy, obývacej izby, spálne, kúpeľne, solária až po súkromný bazéna ponúka Superior riad hotela Royal Mansour Marrakech všetok luxus tradičného marockého domu. Toto sídlo, ktoré je vzrušujúce pre oči a upokojujúce pre ducha, sa môže pochváliť jedinečnou  výzdobou plnou duše a histórie. Na prvom poschodí sa nachádza exkluzívna spálňa, ktorá je veľkoryso dimenzovaná a otvára sa  do precízne zdobenej kúpeľne z porcelánu, ónyxu a mramoru. Upokojené ako v hodvábnych listoch budú vaše oči iskriť v žiarivom svetle. Na strešnej terase je všetko navrhnuté tak, aby sa vám umožnilo vidieť výhľady bez toho, aby vás niekto videl. Panoráma nad vrcholmi Mediny a Atlasu robí zo Superior Riádu nezabudnuteľné miesto tak, aby ste si mohli vychutnať vzájomnú blízkosť pod hviezdnou oblohou Okrového mesta.

| Premier Riad

Sofistikovanosť a romantika.

V okamžiku, ako otvoríte dvere a dovolíte si vstúpiť do PREMIER Riadu, všetky vaše zmysly sa otvárajú, čas sa zastavuje a vy zažívate zázrak.  V 19 popredných riádoch hotela Royal Mansour Marrakech sa kráľovské textúry, farby, materiály a rituály kombinujú s úctou k času a k virtuozite marockých majstrov a umelcov. Izba, vonkajšia terasa, obývacia miestnosť a celková rezidencia ponúkajú pokojné útočisko na 175 m2 rozložených na 3 poschodiach.

Jemné zladenie tvarovanej omietky a dreva, spojenie čistých línií a arabesiek, spojenectvo textúr a vôní ... všetko ladí. Remeselníci, ktorí zdobili rezidenciu, vytvorili jedinečné miesto, ktoré predstavuje živosť a bohatstvo tradičného marockého umenia.

Absolútne súkromie.

Od terasy, cez všetky miestnosti - nezabúdajúc ani na strešnú terasu - je všetko navrhnuté tak, aby ste sa cítili ako doma. Veľkorysé proporcie sú pre Marakéš vzácne; je to očarujúce útočisko, ktoré čaká na splnenie jeho ambícií.

Prízemie je postavené okolo terasy a je plné denného svetla a bujnej  vegetácie. Obývacie izby, jedáleň, bar, krb. Hodvábne vankúše a voda, jemne stekajúca z fontán. Rozprávka 1000 a 1 noci naživo.

Na prvom poschodí sa nachádza spálňa, kde zaspávate kráľovsky -  unesený poéziou zvodných látok, luxusných kobercov a hodvábnych obliečok. Skrytá šatňa ponúka neopakovateľné pohodlie počas vášho pobytu. Susedná kúpeľna zdobená jasným mramorom, strešná terasa, ktorá sa kúpe v božskom marrákešskom slnku. Ochlaďte sa v bazéne alebo pod zatieneným stanom, vychutnajte si večeru pri sviečkach a  zažite pocit vládcu nad všetkými strechami Okrového mesta. Čokoľvek ,čo zažijete na tomto mieste vzdoruje času a fantázii.


Privilege Riad

Authentic and majestic.

Worthy descendants of traditional Moroccan houses, the 15 2-bedroom riads in the Privilege collection are designed as the perfect setting for family or friends and are marked by authenticity. Let your riad show you the way of life in Marrakesh, indulging in moments on the panoramic terrace and naps in the shade of the patio. Magic and wonder await you here, from the first to the last second of your stay.

A wonderful sense of space.

Behind the discreet looking Moroccan doorway hides a 430 sqm 3-floored peaceful haven. A warm and intimate atmosphere of a traditional dwelling lingers in the air of this family riad. It’s a journey of luxury, excellence and warmth.

Each room of the collection is an ode to the very best of the kingdom’s decorative arts. Everything in sight is brimming with details embodying the soul of imperial Morocco. Refined fabrics, sculpted plasters and enigmatic artworks let your imagination and senses run wild.

The vast riads of Privilege collection are all individual as with all of the luxury abodes of the Royal Mansour. Days spent here are never-ending, full of contemplation, shared experiences, dreams and distractions. They are the very definition of discreet luxury, the object of every lustful desire.

Refuge of a uniquely charming and indefinable family riad.

Under the rays of natural light from the patio, the ground floor offers incomparably majestic reception rooms. Cool down from the heat on the patio, relax in the Moroccan lounge, enjoy lunch in the dining room, read in the other lounge…everything is designed to offer extra delight to the moments shared with those you love.

Climb up the majestic staircase to the next floor. The two rooms, linked by an elegant living room, come with two separate dressing rooms. Precious and delicate, the two shimmering marble bathrooms will allow you to radiate before and after a peaceful night’s sleep.

Just above, the terrace stands between the sky and panoramic views. From the relaxation tent next to the big pool to the dining area, you have the opportunity to feel the brilliance of Marrakesh. The lights of the city and iconic minaret of the Koutoubia Mosque make every event organised here an unforgettable memory.

| Prestige Riad

Iconic and grand.

In the 4 luxury riads of the Prestige collection, you will fully experience Moroccan tradition in its purest form. Between lounging around near the pool, the hammam rituals and candlelit dinners hosted by your personal butler, time flows peacefully. A cult residence with 3 rooms exuding luxury, refinement and simple pleasure.

A luxury riad in which Morocco’s soul will captivate you.

The Prestige Riad opens its doors to an insider’s hideaway where each space is a sensual journey, brimming with art and discretion. Its 840 sqm propagate pleasure, making each stay at the Royal Mansour Marrakech a rare and authentic memory.

Products of the creativity of the best Moroccan craftspeople, the luxury riads of the Prestige collection celebrate Moroccan architecture, traditional decorative art and contemporary design. Wooden doors, zelliges, silks, sculpted plaster… The smallest details are designed to create a luxurious and elegant setting.

Gladly take refuge in the shade of the patio or the panoramic terrace after a day strolling through the medina alleyways of Marrakesh. The butler service, personal lift, private hammam and fully-equipped kitchen make this highly prestigious riad the ideal location for luxury-loving families searching for the very best.

Eternal moments shared together happily on each floor.

The heavy wooden door opens onto the entrance hall, leading to the central patio where 12 columns stretch up to sky gracefully and daintily. The two lounges are utterly peaceful, while the bar, library and dining room offer a cosy atmosphere to read, chat or taste the exquisite dishes of Moroccan cuisine.

On the first floor, the three bedrooms completely immerse you in incredible refinement. A blend of styles, different tones and nuances of materials enhance your blissful nights of sleep. In the dressing rooms and bathrooms adjacent to the rooms, everything has been designed for when you’re getting ready. Glimmering marble features make the acts of preparing and bathing divine…

The roof terrace invites you to stretch your imagination. Solarium, swimming pool, a covered lounge and private hammam offer a thousand and one possibilities, from a family dinner under the stars to a magical event. Relax and enjoy the view over the hotel gardens and Atlas Mountains. The sunset is nothing short of dreamlike here.

| The Grand Riad 

Unique, supreme, legendary.

In the most intimate part of the palace lies Marrakesh luxury hotel and world icon: the Grand Riad. This prestigious abode thrives off of the famous guests it accommodates. With absolute relaxation in the hammam, delicious meals and suave nights in one of the 4 star rooms, you will enter into one of the most refined and elegant atmospheres. An exceptional riad that inspires the craziest of dreams.

Exceptional riad in Marrakesh: the core of great emotion.

The private entrance via the olive tree patio allows you to discreetly access the Grand Riad as if it were your own home. Luxury lifestyle lovers will immediately be seized by the spectacular volumes of this vast 1800 m² Moroccan residence that opens out onto its landscaped garden and private swimming pool.

The Grand Riad is a window into the Kingdom’s finest. Zelliges combined with crystal suspensions. Silky fabrics with stucco lace. Carved cedar wood with modern artwork. Flowing lines, abundant materials and fine fabrics: everything is in perfect harmony.

The final touch is the butler, who is there to cater for your every need in the exceptional riad. He will stylishly and meticulously coordinate the staff members, who discreetly take care of you from the professional kitchens and three staff rooms of the riad. An unparalleled interpretation of luxury.

Your private palace: an exclusive experience

The ground floor opens out onto the garden around the patio. Between sunbathing at the poolside, eating in the neoclassical dining room and business meetings in the office, life goes by peacefully. From the library, to the reception rooms, bar and snooker room, each guest can enjoy their slice of heaven.

The private cast iron lift takes you to the first floor where you will discover 3 bedrooms with adjoined dressing rooms and independent bathrooms. The boudoir next to the main suite can be converted into an additional room. In this silky universe, surrounded by mashrabiyas and marble, sleeping and bathing take on a new dimension…

Just above, on the roof terrace, you will enjoy one of the best accommodation views of the Atlas Mountains, bettered only by that of the Koutoubia Mosque, right in front of you. Pool, bar, lounges, hammam, gyms and a cinema invite you to enjoy this luxury lovers’ paradise. Private receptions and cocktail nights organised here are nothing short of legendary.

Ultimate hosting

The Grand Riad is not only the gem of the Royal Mansour Marrakesh for its sumptuous décor and generous proportions but also for the exceptional service offered. The fruit of the work put in by the riad staff members, the luxury is in the perfect details provided at every instant.

Subtle floral fragrances, genuine smiles and unexpected gestures are served in due measure in the most wonderful way. They represent all of the talent put into conjuring imaginative treasures to create the spirit of this extraordinary place.

Butlers, maids, chefs, nannies, artists and security staff all employ their expertise in equilibrium…Nothing is ever too beautiful nor too grand here, when our goal is to surprise and create everlasting memories for you.

Prečo milujeme Royal Mansour

| 4 top reštaurácie v srdci paláca

Ako bašty kulinárskej a gastronomickej dokonalosti sú reštaurácie Royal Mansour Marrakech pripravené uspokojiť všetky vaše pôžitkové zmysly a túžby. Tri reštaurácie pod vedením talentovaného šéfkuchára Yannicka Alléna sprostredkujú nezabudnuteľný gastronomický zážitok. Najnovšia z reštaurácií hotela je pod taktovkou absolútne talenotvaného a mnohými hviezdami oceneného  talianskeho šéfkuchára Massimiliana Alajma. Reštaurácie sú zaradené do zoznamu „Les Grandes Tables du Monde“ ako jedny z najväčších svetových reštaurácií.


| La Grande Table Marocaine

Signature Moroccan restaurant in Marrakech

With La Grande Table Marocaine of the Royal Mansour Marrakech – the capital of hospitality and generosity – has its best ambassador for illustrating the art of hosting rooted in local tradition. The exceptional sensory journey guests are taken on makes them reluctant to share their knowledge of the best Moroccan restaurant in Africa.

Fine dining of regal standard

In the restaurants’ pavilion, the famous blue patio leads travellers to the culinary tables of the Royal Mansour. A brass door opens to an haute cuisine establishment in Marrakesh: La Grande Table Marocaine welcomes you for all special occasions.

The fine-dining restaurant, emblematic to Marrakesh, offers nothing but taste discoveries and sensory delight. Sh’hiwates, seafood pastillas, seven-vegetable couscous and Amlou ice cream show you a new interpretation of Moroccan cuisine based on the deep secrets of tradition.

The very best of Moroccan fine dining is served in an equally matched setting: simply royal. High ceilings, original artworks, designer linens, cutlery, glassware and peaceful melodies from luth and oud musicians: the omnipresent elegance is there to give rise to the greatest pleasure.

Let Royal Mansour tells  the tale of the best Moroccan restaurant in Marrakech.

La Grande Table Marocaine tells a story that started with one of the most talented chefs of his generation exploring ancestral cuisine. When the Royal Mansour called on the talented Parisian Yannick Alléno in 2008, the chef was still attached to working with French produce and did not yet know how to make his mark on this traditional family cuisine.

The 3-Michelin starred chef decided to use this heritage as the base of his cooking, holding to its meaning, to make a success of the fine dining Moroccan restaurant in Marrakech. After long and rigorous research and understanding, the unique culinary identity of La Grande Table Marocaine was born, bringing it to the top of the list of the best Moroccan fine dining restaurants in the Kingdom and continent.

| Sesamo

Italian restaurant at the Royal Mansour Marrakech

The newest addition to the plethora of existing restaurants at the Palace takes you deep into the heart of a unique Italian culinary experience where you can learn all about the country of Italy.

Ambassador of Italian cuisine in Marrakech

Royal Mansour Marrakech joins forces with the Alajmo group to offer the best of Italian cuisine in the heart of the ochre city. Together, they launched SESAMO, the newest restaurant at the Palace.

For decoration, the Royal Mansour Marrakech naturally turned to the architecture and decoration professionals, 3BIS, who have been decorating and providing their services to the Palace since it opened in 2010.

With high ceilings, wall hangings, contemporary elements, etc., each small detail has an impact on our guests. While dining in one of the most refined settings, gourmet guests are sure to feel the true spirit of Venetian palaces when visiting our hotel.

Michelin-star chef Massimiliano Alajmo, referred to by many food critics as “the Mozart of Italian cuisine, has created a menu inspired by the world around him. He uses local produce to create a simple, gourmet and home-made cuisine.

Italian restaurant in Marrakesh with a unique culinary identity

SESAMO boasts an Italian cuisine that is authentic, sublime and full of Moroccan raw materials.  Olive oils with fruity notes, Italian cheeses blend perfectly with the local products included in the dishes offered à la carte.

On the menu Alajmo classics are combined with specialities created exclusively for the Royal Mansour Marrakech. On the SESAMO menu, you can choose from many dishes such as the beef tartar with white truffle and crispy saffron risotto, fried langoustine with lettuce sauce or even the signature desert Open sesame, a filled nougat sphere

| La Table restaurant

Simple emotions, fine flavours.

The main restaurant of the Royal Mansour Marrakech offers a range of flavours, settings and scenarios centred around the same idea of culinary excellence. The ideal location for every instant and desire, La Table offers real indulgent culinary diversity in the heart of Marrakesh.

From breakfast to dinner: there’s no wrong time to treat yourself.

A majestic breakfast under the arabesques, an enchanting lunch on a Marrakesh terrace, an eternally delicious cup of tea on the balcony, an intimate late dinner in a private lounge: at La Table restaurant, we’re all about guests treating themselves. The variety of atmospheres adds to the eating experience. It’s one of the many qualities of this establishment.

Supervised by Chef Yannick Alléno and his team, La Table restaurant offers enviable cuisine, based on the inspiration he takes from local flavours and seasonal produce. The menu is constantly changing and offers a fine, light and sun-filled selection, with Mediterranean and innovative culinary influence.

A dip into the indulgent world, the patisserie library of the Royal Mansour in the La Table restaurant offers a range of freshly prepared desserts every day. Playing with aromas, textures, colours and sweet and sour balances, the pastry chef whips up delicious sweet treats to be enjoyed as a dessert or with a cup of tea.

Dates at La Table in Marrakesh : fun and sharing.

La Table evolves its programme in hours, days and for special calendar events. So many opportunities to experiment with new thrills and culinary trends, for you to try at just a stone’s throw away from Marrakesh’s medina.

Everyday, for afternoon tea, La Table restaurant offers you simple and flavourful treats to share between family or friends. Moroccan, French or English teas and cakes will astonish and delight your taste buds. Not to miss: Sunday brunch at the Royal Mansour Marrakech, where the pleasure of relaxing and gently taking in a new day is reinvented…

| Le Jardin bar restaurant Marrakech

Pure food-loving heaven.

It’s in Le Jardin at the Royal Mansour, from great Arab-Andalusian tradition, that the luxury hotel in Marrakesh adorned its fourth restaurant. The palace’s open-air restaurant for gourmets offers a unique experience during which your senses will be enticed by the freshness, flavours and amazing chic and relaxed atmosphere stemming from the place’s DNA.

Le Jardin: the life and décor of the bar mark every hour of the day.

Surrounded by a lush Eden and sublimed by the colour scheme, Le Jardin restaurant offers Asian and Mediterranean-influenced cuisine based on sharing, creativity and surprise.

In the shade of the palm and olive trees that border the idyllic swimming pool, the outdoor restaurant, made infinitely precious by this glorious setting, welcomes you for a sunny lunch. From spring onwards, it is also open for dinner, revealing the marvellously sweet nature of Marrakesh nights.

Le Jardin restaurant brings a vibrant programme to life, that evolves throughout the day. At lunchtime, the décor with its rural charm reveals the diversity of world flavours. When the night falls, the magic of the setting sun elegantly lights up the bar to mark the start of the fun-filled happy hours.

Le Jardin restaurant: singing the tune of world cuisine.

Le Jardin restaurant of the Royal Mansour Marrakech offers Asian and Mediterranean cosmopolitan-inspired cuisine, taking in world influence. Under the leadership of Chef Yannick Alléno, the unique menu is inspired by the stories of the great Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta, who brought new cooking methods using embers back from Asia.

Life is full of temptations at Le Jardin restaurant. Tapas, ceviches, sushi, sashimi, tartares and grilled specialities nourish the senses and brighten the soul. The pastry and ice cream chef’s creation continue the sensory feast. Candied clementines, frosted coconut, intense chocolate sweet treats…Your taste buds will tremble with pleasure.

Prečo milujeme Royal Mansour

Záhrady Le Jardin a kráľovský bazén: andalúzska harmónia pod holým nebom

Pre všetkých, ktorí hľadajú trochu oddychu od slnka, ponúka palác kúsok neba s dokonalým bazénom v Marakéši. Svieža vegetácia, čarovné fontány, komfortné ležadlá a súkromné oddychové zóny, to je „Le Jardin Royal Mansour“, ktoré navrhol španielsky záhradný architekt Luis Vallejo. Je to óda záhrad a zelene, ktoré sú pre Okrové mesto tak ikonické.

Prečo milujeme Royal Mansour

| Kúpele Royal Mansour: wellness cieľ číslo jeden

Doprajte si kráľovské ošetrenie v najluxusnejšom wellnesse v Marakéši. Pocítite upokojujúce účinky  hammamu, vynikajúce procedúry, kadernícky salón, posilňovňu, vyhrievaný bazén, nádherné átrium ... Kúpele Royal Mansour Marrakech Spa sú samy osebe plavbou, útočiskom pre relaxáciu a pohodu.


Prečo milujeme Royal Mansour

| V „Le Jardin de Lila“ nájdu svoj raj vaše deti

Pretože v Royal Mansour veria, že objavovanie sveta nás obohacuje a pomáha nám rásť ako ľudskej bytosti, založili detský klub, aby  deťom ponúkli jedinečnú príležitosť odhaliť krásu marockej kultúry. Royal Mansour má veľké plány pre vás, naši  malí hostia.